Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Isn't jail supposed to be torture for the inmate not the jailer?

When someone is sent to jail the idea behind it is they will learn from their lesson and then return to society changed. We all hope that change is for the better, but that is not always the case. 
The same is true of the students I was sent to "guard" in ALC today. I call it jail, the technical name is ALC. Although they were sent there because a) like 10 of them were there for all day in school suspension or b) they were a classroom disruption in their real classroom and were therefore sent to be in mine. The thing is, that being sent to ALC is not a punishment really, because all their little hoodlum friends are serving time with them. Though they are not allowed to talk they bang on the desks. So I tried to ignore them. That worked for a while until they all started banging. I then got fed up after I confiscated 1) mcdonald's egg mcmuffin 2) a cell phone 3) an ipod 4) a "wonderful" drawing of me.. (it was less than flattering) so I sent Van Gogh to the office because I'd had quite enough of him. The AP came in and then chewed them out and silence was finally restored. 
I noticed though that I seemed to be the only one really counting down the minutes until my hour of torture was over! grr.. and it's only 3rd period!!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

You missed your calling...clearly, you're supposed to be a jail warden...:-P